After the busy-ness of the holiday season, it feels like our year is just starting at CCM.  Our new administrator, Michelle, is settling in and doing well.  We are so happy to have her.

A new Madrich Training class started last week with eight new students.  Our Madrichot-in-training hail from all over North America, from Edmonton, Canada, to Austin, TX, Silver Spring, MD, Atlanta, GA, Sarasota, FL, Minneapolis, MN and the suburbs of Philadelphia.  We are so excited to expand the reach of CCM’s program as our cadre of madrichim grows both numerically and geographically.

Another exciting development is the launch of CCM’s new Mashgiach Ruchani Mazkirut/Committee – a committee that discusses, plans and proactively drives all matters pertaining to the culture of CCM, i.e., how we do what we do.  The committee is comprised of Dr. Beulah Trey, CCM’s Director of Curriculum and Practice; Sonia Voynow, CCM’s Director of Outreach and Madrich Development; Rabbi Joshua Boettiger, CCM’s Associate Rosh Yeshiva; and Adie Goldberg, CCM’s Board Vice Chair. If you have an issue or concern with any aspect of CCM’s policies, practices, or people, this is where you come.  Please reach out to Dr. Beulah Trey.

I also want to share that for personal reasons, Herb Levine has stepped away from all of his responsibilities in connection with CCM. The Board has taken swift action to fill the holes left by all the work that was in Herb’s portfolio.  Herb has asked that he not be contacted by anyone at this time. Please respect his privacy. We wish him all the best.

Finally, for all who wish to have more opportunity to practice Mussar in community, please join Dr. Beulah Trey and Rabbi Joshua Boettiger on the first Tuesday of every month for CCM’s new Practice Lab.  The first Lab is on Tuesday, October 12 (see article below)..
