December 23 | 7-8:30 p.m. ET
Light in the Darkness: A Deep Dive into the Middah of Generosity
Come learn with Rabbi Joshua Boettiger and two of CCM’s co-founders, Nancy Axelrod and Dr. Beu Trey, as we explore how the character trait of generosity can help us bring more light into the darkness. Rabbi Boettiger will offer a Mussar meditation and Nancy Axelrod will teach us about nedivut (generosity). Dr. Beu Trey will take us through an experiential exercise in which we use nedivut as a lens to look past the darkness---including the stress and divisiveness of our current times---so we can spread the light of compassion for ourselves, our dear ones and beyond. Sonia Voynow will facilitate our program.
Past CCM Events:
Kickstarting the month of Elul with CCM / Remembering the Saturens | 9-8-24
What to Do With the ‘G’ Word? A conversation between Rabbi Ira Stone and Rabbi Joshua Boettiger | 6-2-24
Middat Makom: The Mussar Work of Understanding Our Place on Earth, with Rabbah Gila Caine | 5-20-24
Cultivating Character: A Conversation Across Communities, with Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer | 4-15-24
Mussar in a Time of War, with Rabbi Geoffrey Cluassen | 2-5-24