September 8 | 7-8:30 p.m. ET

Kickstarting the Month of Elul

The month of Elul begins our time of reflection leading up to the Days of Awe, with an emphasis on Cheshbon HaNefesh, the process of spiritual accounting. During this program you will have the opportunity to experience firsthand what this spiritual assessment is all about with our master teachers Dr. Beulah Trey, Elana Eisner, Sandi Kirschner, and Sonia Voynow.

This session is in memory of our beloved board member and teachers, Harriet and Steve Saturen. Their love for each other, their families, and Mussar inspires us to launch our first annual Elul program. Please join us as we highlight the CCM practice they loved so much, and find out about the concepts that can deepen your preparations for the Days of Awe. 

We thank the following sponsors for their support and dedication in helping spread Mussar to the world, through the beloved memory of Steve & Harriet Saturen:

  • Rabbi Joshua Boettiger

  • Sheila Canal

  • Lisa Sclan Cooper

  • Elise Manders

  • Hope Melton

  • Stan Schiffman

  • Marty Towbin

  • Jonnie Zheutlin

  • CCM Board

“In his years of service as a member of the CCM Board, Steve contributed generously to our board work.  We remember him for his Zerizut, his enthusiasm for service, always among the first to volunteer to help on a committee or a project, and his Charizut, his dedication in getting the hard work done.  He mentored new board members. He served with passion on in developing our mission and vision statements.  His contributions at meetings were tempered with Metinut, considered speech, as he weighed everyone's opinions and offered compromise.  His memory is  indeed a blessing to CCM and to the board members who had a privilege of working with him.”

- Heidi Schneider, CCM Board Chair

Harriet’s love and enthusiasm for Mussar practice was evident from the time she began studying with Rabbi Boettiger and throughout her journey as an advanced Mussar student and beloved teacher. She possessed that rare combination of warmth and directness that inspired everyone who studied with her. As such, she modeled the Mussar character trait of emet, or truthfulness, engendering a sense of great trust among her colleagues. She brought that sense of integrity and lovingkindness to her teaching. Most recently, she co-taught CCM’s Madrich Training, helping the new madrichim to feel welcomed and celebrated for the unique qualities that they could bring to their students. May her work always inspire our students and our staff.”

- Sonia Voynow, CCM Director of Outreach & Development

Steve & Harriet Saturen (z”l)