CCM Staff & Leadership

  • Rabbi Joshua Boettiger

    Rosh Yeshiva

    Rabbi Boettiger is Jewish Chaplain and Visiting Assistant Professor of Humanities at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. He previously served as the Associate Rosh Yeshiva at CCM, and for the last decade, directed the Mussar program at Temple Emek Shalom in Ashland, Oregon. Joshua also teaches Jewish Meditation, and co-leads silent retreats. He is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, and has an MFA in Poetry from Pacific University.

  • Rabbi Ira Stone

    Rosh Yeshiva Emeritus

    He has served congregations in Seattle, WA and Philadelphia, PA. He was the spiritual leader at Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel, Philadelphia, for 27 years and is now Rabbi Emeritus.

    Rabbi Stone received his education at Queens College, the University of California at Santa Barbara, the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, and the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), where he was ordained a Rabbi in 1979.

    Learn more about Rabbi Stone here.

  • Sonia Voynow

    Director of Madrichim Outreach and Development

    Sonia Voynow is a psychotherapist in private practice, and the founder of Surviving and Thriving, an organization that draws on Mussar teachings to help parents and grandparents of children with autism. Raised in a conservative Jewish family, and a member of Germantown Jewish Centre In Philadelphia, Sonia has found that Mussar has not only enlivened her religious and spiritual practice, it has also provided valuable guidance in many other aspects of her life. She has studied Mussar since 2005 with Rabbi Ira Stone. Sonia has her BA from the University of Pennsylvania and her Masters in Social Work from Temple University.

  • Andrea Deck

    Executive Director

    Andrea Deck is proud to join the CCM community after serving the Jewish professional nonprofit community through engagement and foundation-based work. From HoneymoonIsrael to PJ Library and the Safety, Respect and Equity Network, Andrea is dedicated to helping open the Jewish tent through resiliency, identity, and access. Andrea is a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Columbia School of Social Work.

  • Samantha Freeman


    Samantha Freeman came to CCM with a background in Journalism and Communications. She graduated with a degree in journalism from the University of Minnesota and since has worked for a variety of non-profits in both administrative support and communications roles.

    Samantha loves to read, hike, and travel. She also runs her own business as a travel advisor.