Brad Weber

Ner Tamid (personal mission statement):

To sustain and nourish the Devine goodness in myself and others. 

Brad Weber has been drawn to the wisdom of Mussar teachings since his teenage years, cultivating a lifelong passion for studying and integrating these timeless principles into daily life. For Brad, Mussar is a wellspring of inspiration, happiness, fulfillment, and meaning. As a father and grandfather residing in the Los Angeles area, he finds that Mussar's teachings on character development and ethical living resonate deeply, enriching his relationships and approach to life's challenges. Brad warmly welcomes fellow seekers to explore the transformative power of Mussar, believing that its insights can bring light and purpose to people from all walks of life.

For the past seven years, Brad has deepened his commitment to Mussar through dedicated study in a va'ad, a small group focused on personal growth and ethical development. This immersive experience has allowed him to apply Mussar principles more fully in both his personal and professional life. Brad's academic background includes a degree in Economics from Occidental College and an MBA from California Lutheran University, providing him with a unique perspective on integrating Mussar teachings with contemporary business practices.