Heidi Schneider

Ner Tamid (personal mission statement):

Panim al Panim, Face to Face.  I long to connect with you as you really are.

Heidi Schneider is the student of Center for Contemporary Mussar founders and legends Carol Daniels and Linda Kriger of blessed memory. Heidi was originally introduced to CCM when the incomparable Rabbi Ira Stone conducted a Shabbaton at her congregation and inspired her to sign up for online learning with CCM. For the past five years, Heidi taught Mussar classes to adults and teens through Adath Jeshurun Congregation in Minnetonka, Minnesota and Tifereth Israel Synagogue in Des Moines, Iowa. Heidi has served as chair of the Center for Contemporary Mussar and the chair of the Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel. Heidi lives in Minneapolis, MN and offers her Mussar classes primarily on Zoom.

Heidi keeps the passuk for the middah of Bitachon on a post-it note on her desk to remind her that worry is an opportunity to seek out the other and reconnect in serenity.