What is the Practice Lab?

The Practice Lab will be a “Zoom place” for our community to meet and enrich our Mussar practice. Together, we’ll create a sacred space once a month to explore any and all questions. We imagine an open, creative curriculum, guided by the Mussarniks who gather. Some sessions will focus on specific areas of practice, for example, we know we want to spend a few sessions learning about the practice of Tochecha/Rebuke. We will also convene open practice labs, where we’ll follow the lead of the people who zoom.

Why Practice Lab?

We’ve learned that new students often have a lot of questions about the practice of Mussar. One student shared that when she started CCM classes, she didn’t know where to ask because she didn’t want to take up precious va’ad time with practice-related questions. We understand this need and realize that the questions never end! Even after all these years, we find ourselves wanting more space to explore and expand our own Mussar studies. As a result, we decided to develop CCM’s Practice Lab to meet this need.

When will the Practice Lab begin?

The Practice Lab will begin after the Chagim, beginning on the second Monday of October, and continuing throughout the year. We chose the second Monday to honor our Beloved Madricha, Linda Kriger z”l, whose Va’ad met on the second Monday of each month—and who have agreed to anchor the Practice Lab. Time will be 7-8:45/9 PM ET.

Who can attend?

The lab will be open to graduates and students of CCM.